Ever since I migrated from blogger to my own platform I have been going back and forth if I should be blogging strictly about surfing.  I looked up the definition of blog at Merriam-Webster and the definition is “a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer”.   I think this clears things up for me and I will resume with what’s been going on.  So I took these “Advanced Standing” tests for the school I am going to be attending, Brooks about two or three weeks ago and I have to say that I did terribly.  I am so embarrassed that I will not blog about the scores I received.  Anyway I have been going through those self defeating thoughts of your no good at photography why even pursue it.  For me I am always amazed at how fragile my self-esteem can be and that something as small as these tests could throw me into turmoil.  Through it all I have kept it in my mind that “this too shall pass” and I have been feeling better.  I was speaking to a fellow classmate about her struggles with the technical side of photography and that was when I said “it doesn’t matter as long as you love what you do” and that is when it hit me that I do love what I do and am grateful to my higher power and parents that I have the opportunity to follow my dreams.  I will be blogging on a more regular basis and hope that I haven’t lost anyone that was following.  Take care all and look for pictures from the Lowers Pro.  I will be there early Saturday!!