2015.06.12 – 2015.06.22 – I really loved this years trip. Partly because I have been thinking about going to South Africa for the past two or three years and partly because I love to travel and surf!!

So to cover the first day that I missed blogging I stayed at African Perfection which was off of Pepper St. To be exact it was 1 Pepper Street Jeffrey’s Bay 6330. And the accommodations for a surf trip were much better than I expected. Take a look at some of the pictures

SA - African Perfection Sign

SA - Bedroom


SA - Bedroom 2

Not bad eh? This place had the best view and overall amenities of any surf camp I have ever stayed at!! Oh and check out this picture from one of the mornings I got up early and took some pictures


Hope you enjoyed them and I look forward to what next year brings!!