Today I went to stand in line to see if we could get a tour to Robben Island. I was told there were spots available so I stood in line, purchased two tickets, and was told to come back later to see if the fog would clear. Since there wasn’t much else we could do we went to grab a bite at the V&A Waterfront close to the place we had burgers. This is what I had.

The cheese wasn’t melted all the way but it was generally good. We picked up some supplies from the local Pay and Go (like 7 Eleven) then went back to the hotel to drop stuff off. We caught an Uber to Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens and it was raining really hard. I wanted to see the gardens so I told everyone lets wait for 20 minutes and if the rain doesn’t clear we can get out of here. Well it was about 25 minutes, maybe 30 and the rain cleared up. We went on this tree canopy which was really awesome but I don’t seem to have very many pictures. 

We didn’t have that much time left so we walked the canopy quickly then went back to the hotel. We caught another Uber to the V&W Waterfront and split ways. Sean and Sarah went to see Star Wars and Pat and I were going to see if Robben Island was a go. Unfortunately it wasn’t so we went and grabbed a bite to eat.

While we were eating we were looking for things to do. I found a VR place that sounded interesting but it was a little expensive and I don’t think Pat was into it as much as I was. Instead we decided to go to Bo-Kaap and see the colorful houses.

After that we went back to the hotel and chilled. At some point I wasn’t feeling so hot so I decided to stay in for the night while they went out. Must have been something I ate combined with a respiratory illness I had been fighting prior to the trip…