Today we traveled from Zimbabwe back to Johannesburg. We had an eight hour layover, then we flew to London Heathrow where we had a nine hour layover. We took the Heathrow Express to Paddington, then we took the London Underground to Westminster where we saw Big Ben, London Eye, The Houses of Parliament, and Westminster Abbey. After looking at the sites in 45 degree weather we jumped back on the London Underground and continued to London Bridge stop where we saw the London Bridge.

There wasn’t much to see so we ducked into a coffee shop where we had a pastry and some coffee to warm up. What we were doing was warming up and killing time before poppies opened up which was supposed to be the best fish and chips in London. We hailed an Uber and were transported to poppies where I had a hard time opening the door…It said to push and it seemed odd to me that I would need to push left when the door clearly didn’t go that way. Well I found out I needed to push in…Seems like I wasn’t the only one that had issue with the door. We were seated promptly and I began taking in the ornaments that were on the wall. It seemed very much like a diner which I felt was very interesting. I’m sorry to say but I didn’t take any pictures of the inside of the restaurant. I also noticed that they were playing american r&b which I thought was a bit odd. In any event our waiter came and asked what we wanted. I had pretty much already set my mind to get the haddock since I read that had more flavor and I was not disappointed with my choice.

I almost ordered another plate but I decided against it. After our meal we backtracked to Heathrow Airport where we waited a short while then boarded the plane. For some reason the flight to LAX seemed like it took forever. Shortly after taking off I fell asleep and I hoped that hours had passed. Well it was only an hour or two which put us about three hours into our flight with a total of 11 hours…I didn’t have as much media to watch but when we landed I was so happy to be home. Like they say there’s no place like home 🙂

I will have pictures from my DSLR soon so watch out for that and thanks for reading!