Breakfast – I had coffee, fruits, eggs, juice, and a piece of fruit. It was good but I didn’t feel that hungry this morning. I got up around 5:54am and couldn’t go back to sleep because it was too bright in my room so I decided to grab a bite
Tour – We went to Ollayantatambo to see some ruins then raft leisurely down the river. It was cold and rainy but I thought it was thoroughly enjoyable!! On the side of the mountain there was a hotel called sky something, I can’t remember the name but it was really cool.
Lunch – we went to lunch with our host family which was really cool experience. Terry jumped in to help with cooking and what we eventually had was soup, rice, something that looked like hummus, this pepper that had carrots and a bunch of stuff in it and was deep fried, corn, chicken, and of course cuy!! Finally!! Take a look
Discovery 1 – we went to the church that our tour guide Marco went to with his grandmother when he was younger then we got a chance to get ride motorbike which was kinda cool!
Dinner – was at a local polleria. I can’t remember the name but they had pollo a la brassa which is rotisserie-style chicken. It was a bit salty but very good!! I was so hungry that I didn’t even take any pictures…