Monday, April 23, 2012 – Today is my Dad’s 67th Birthday!! Happy Birthday Dad I love you!! The last time I posted I promised a side by side comparison of what I’ve learned from the book I purchased recently. Take a look at the picture below. You can see quite a bit of noise in the picture in the left and noticeably reduced noise on the right. What I did was use Adobe’s Camera Raw or ACR and used Luminance Noise Reduction, saved the files to the tiff file format, and merged those tiff files in Photomatix Pro.
Unbelievable but that has once again altered my workflow. Another gem that I’ve picked up is to see how many exposures are needed to shoot a scene. What the book suggests is to shoot a picture at -2EV (as a starting point) and see if there is any clipping in the highlights using the histogram. If there is clipping then underexpose another stop till there is no clipping in the highlights. This book has some really great information so if you are interested in shooting HDR photographs I would recommend this book!!
On a personal note I haven’t been feeling that great. Currently I am going through a process that helps me see behaviors that don’t serve me and to work through them. I have asked my god to guide me through the process and what he has shown me so far has been amazing. I thank my god for all that he has given me and for all those that I love and that love me. Have a great day!!