Thursday, February 1, 2013 – Hey guys I hope you are well 🙂 So the second to the last time I posted I said that I was going to do an in-depth blog about Chromatic Aberation. I had this great article but I can’t seem to find it. Anyway what it is is color fringing, sometimes it’s referred to as purple fringing, but can appear as red, cyan, green, magenta, blue, and yellow. How I understand it (and have experienced it) is that the further away from the center of the lens and in high contrast areas the harder time the CCD has interpreting what color to record. For me removing it is not as easy but luckily there is a workaround. For users of photoshop CS5 we can go to filter -> lens correction where CS6 users can do all their corrections in camera raw. Hmm it might be time for an upgrade…maybe next year.
In any event I have been shooting but I haven’t been happy with everything that I’ve worked on. Here is picture that I took at point fermin that was behind the gate. I hadn’t realized that the sunken city was right there. I might have to go back for that!!