It was 46 degrees when I woke up this morning and while it was cold it didn’t feel as bad as yesterday. Not to say that putting a wetsuit on was going to be fun but I was trying not to think about it.I had a couple cups of coffee to warm up and decided to suit up and go for a surf. Today it was a little smaller than the day before and not as clean. I caught one right that was ok but other than that it was an uneventful session.Back at the camp I knew this was my last session so I removed my fins, put the pipe insulators on the rails of my board and packed everything up.I chilled for a bit then decided to go to Curcuma for one last meal. Today I decided to have Mushroom Aji and Golden Milk. Take a lookThe golden milk was warm and served with honey and tumeric which was interesting. Even though it wasn’t what I was expecting I really enjoyed it!!After lunch I took a collectivo back to the camp, had some coffee, then watched part of limitless with Gustavo. I watched probably 15 minutes of the movie then I took a walk to the point for a couple of last minute photos.
This is where I started taking down from. This pathway led straight to the beach and the access was easy so I wasn’t complaining. It wasn’t like the other entry points that was a paddle battle just to get into position.
What you are looking at are the surf schools that line the beach. This is just down the ramp from where I started.
There’s a trail that leads all the way up to the point and this was a picture I took on the way
I saw a couple people in what looked like a bar or something like that. They were just watching the waves from this vantage point which I thought was pretty cool.
This stone structure let me know where I should begin going down and paddling out. Even though this want the ideal place to paddle from it was decent enough. At least the first day was and all the other days not so much so.
We went out from the beach and between the two smaller rocks. Maybe I’ll draw a line if I’m bored at the airport. It seemed like if you didn’t go out between the two big rocks on the far left of the picture it would be difficult to make it to the point and get into position.
I don’t know if you can see but that large rock outcropping hasa guy at the top. No I assume he is going to walk down and get into the water somehow but I can’t see the other side of the rock so I’m not sure what he’s looking at. From my vantage point that looks insane!!