Hey Guys,

I know it’s been a while since I posted but I finally came to a point where I “feel” like I finished all my photos. Just to recap I started off in Taghazout, took a bus to Marrakech, took a train to Casablanca, and finally one more train to Fes.

Here are a couple of pictures that I took of Taghazout

Looking Towards Anchor Point

Looking Towards Anchor Point

Tagazhout City @ Night

and this is Marrakech. I took a tour that went from the Atlas Mountains to Ait Ben Haddou which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Also you will see Jemm el Fnaa square which I am a little disappointed because I was having some issues with the bottom right half so I cropped it instead.

Berber Village

Atlas Mountains

Ait Ben Haddou

Jemma el Fnna (Blog)

oh yeah and the Riad I stayed at which was called Riad de los Arts

Riad de los Arts - Room

the third leg of my journey took me to Casablanca where I had planned on seeing the inside of the Hassan II Mosque. I guess I got there a little late and the tour had already started. Instead I tried taking pictures of the outside which I was told I couldn’t with a tripod. Well my tour guide got a little creative and while I was able to get the shot it cost us/me

Hassan II Mosque

the fourth and final leg of my journey took me to Volubilis which was an ancient Roman ruin just outside the town of Fes. These are the pictures that made the cut 🙂

Volubilis Ruins

and I think this one needs to go but…

Volubilis Ruins

well I hope you enjoy them and I will be working on the next set for Jordan!!