Friday, June 22, 2012 – Good afternoon and welcome to the end of another great week!!  So Friday the 15th I went and shot near the tide pools at Malaga Cove.  I went back with the intent of shooting the same scene and seeing what I would come up with.  I have to say that I worked on this photo more than any other photo to this date.  I finished sometime in the afternoon on Wednesday and wanted to post that day but wanted to wait till today.  Although I don’t know why 🙂  So as I said this photo required more work than any other photo.  What I did was merge my files, tone map, perform noise reduction, (as usual) and had to do this 3 times before taking the individual layers into photoshop.  I created one file for the sky, one for the rocks, and one for the water.  Whew.  Just talking about it brings back memories.  From there I imported the files as layers, created layer masks, fixed the water areas, blemishes from lens flare and anomalies in the sky.  This is the end product and I am really proud of this one!!  Take a look.