Breakfast – was good. I had some fruits, cereal, and eggs. Thank god I am feeling better 🙂

Discovery 1 – Today Elmer was our driver and Dante was our guide. First we went to the Museo de Archelogica and got some really good information about the population of the Peruvians and where they are living now as opposed to where they lived in the past. It’s incredible that in 70 years the population has grown over 10x and the population is around 10 million in Lima!!

Next we went to the San Franciscan church where we got to see this really cool library and a crypt but we weren’t able to take photos…

After that our group split and some of us went back to the hotel while the rest of us walked around and saw a couple of squares, buildings that important people lived in, and was able to see the changing of the guard at the Plaza de Armas but again was told we could not take pictures. I did get this interesting picture with one of the guards but he wouldn’t face off with me. Take a look 🙂

We then walked to Chinatown and did a couple of other things but nothing special. We did take the bus which was a bit of an experience to say the least

Lunch – in the interest of time we had a churro that was stuffed with banana. Take a look

Dinner – we ate at la panka which was fairly nice. I started with a vegetable soufflé, had chicken and rice for my entree, a fruit salad for dessert, and an emoliente which was like hot apple cider. I really liked the emoliente and am going to learn how to make it. Check it out!!