Friday, April 27, 2012 – So the theme for today’s post is Life is good and might I add even when it’s not.  I think that I am finally out of my funk and I have my friends and my higher power to thank for that.  What I have come to realize is that I need to love myself more and give myself a break.  I am way too critical of myself and I know that my god doesn’t want me to be this way.

In photography related news I am continuing to read the Practical HDR book I purchased recently.  I’ve been wanting to skip ahead to the part where it talks about processing a single raw file into an HDR photograph but I am going to wait till I get to it :).  I’ve also set a new due date for my portfolio to be done which is May 20 and I have been going over my photos to see if they are ready for print.  They are looking pretty good but the 17×11 size I have chosen doesn’t seem to work with the printer I usually print with.  I am excited to see how things pan out.  I hope you guys have a great day and an equally great weekend!!