Man it has taken me so long to process the photos from this trip. Almost nine months to be exact 🙂 So here they are

Day 3 – Amman & Jerash

Our day began with a city tour of Amman where we saw the Arch of Hadrian

Later on in the day we went to Jerash where we saw this Roman Forum

Day 4 – Madaba, Mt Nebo, Shawback Castle

In Madaba, where they were known for their mosaics, we saw a Greek Orthodox Church. Here are a couple of pictures

In Mount Nebo we saw the final resting place of Moses

and finally we saw Shawback Castle which was quite a day 🙂

Day 5 – Petra

Was the main event and while I didn’t feel like I got many good photos this was one I liked

Day 6 – Wadi Rum + Sunset

Today we went to the desert which was pretty barren. We stopped by some camel’s on our ride.

and lastly on our way back we saw a sunset that unfortunately was highlighted by the smoke of a fire

that’s all for this trip!!