Monday, May 28, 2012 – Good afternoon/evening!!  I hope that everyone had a relaxing memorial day!!  So this is the fourth part in my series and I do have a picture to show for it.  Now if you remember in my last post I talked about contacting Imagenomic.  Well I made a mistake and who I really needed to contact was HDRsoft.  I sent them an email I think it was yesterday and asked them if there is a way to tone map a tiff without applying noise reduction.  I am really excited to hear back from them and see what they have to say.  So instead of waiting for their response I worked on the file:

  1. Applying changes in ACR
  2. Exporting the file as a tiff
  3. Tone mapping with NR applied
  4. Saving settings
  5. Exiting out of that and closing the 32bit hdr file
  6. Re-opening the file
  7. Batch processing a single file using the saved settings
  8. Saving the processed tiff file
  9. Opening Imagenomic’s Noiseware and applying NR
  10. Saving the file again
  11. And finally posting in photoshop

Here is the finished product!!

This has also taught me a new method in my actions that I am really excited about.  So in doing some reading I have found that the way that I have been applying my High Pass sharpening might not be the best method.  What I was doing was duplicating my layer, changing that layer to a smart object, applying high pass sharpening, and changing the blending mode to overlay.  The reason I liked this method was it allowed me to change the amount of sharpening by clicking on the filter.  What I am doing now in contrast is I created an action to take a snapshot of my layers prior to merging all layers, then I merge all layers, duplicate my background layer, apply high pass sharpening, and finally change the blending mode to overlay.  I created a pause so I can control how much sharpening is applied.  Super sweet!!  Anyway hope you like the photo and have a great rest of your day!!