Friday, September 21, 2012 – Hey guys I hope you are well :). So I’ve been doing some reading and also some thinking in regards to how I work in photoshop. I read this article titled Digital Pitfalls: A Cautionary Tale which can be found here and it talks about “becoming enamored of the power of digital to make colors pop”. My recent work has centered a lot in making colors pop and the use of contrast. The feeling I get from working in this manner is really emotive and I love it. But it has made me think that maybe I’m pushing it a bit too far. And…what is too far? So a picture that I had been working on for a couple of days, maybe a week or so has started off very photo realistic in terms of color, saturation, and contrast. To me the picture looked flat so I re-worked the picture and I still don’t like it. Maybe I’ll give this one one more shot then I’m done. I will have a before and after so you can make the determination 🙂
Also I watched this video on Adorama’s site about Focus Stacking. The video can be found here if you are interested. This is a really interesting technique where you shoot in manual focus, set the distance to your subject in meters, and gradually increase the increments till you are at infinity. This got me thinking about how I shoot and how I can apply this technique to both compositing and HDR. The latter is really interesting to me and I can’t wait to try it out!! Anyway enough from me. I hope you all have a great weekend and if you’re in Century City go check out the exhibit Who Shot Rock & Roll at the Annenberg Space for Photography. I’m going Saturday!!