Breakfast – I started with coffee, fruits with yogurt, and we’ll see where I take it from here

Tour – we began by waking around Anta for about 20 minutes then got back on the bus. We were able to buy a soccer ball which I was happy about because I didn’t want to bring one from the states

Next we visited a guinea pig farm. We learned that they are ready to be sold in three months and go for 25 soles as piece. With as many as they had there they were doing pretty good!!

After that we went to see the students at the school which was a really neat experience!! The kids were rushing up to the bus to greet us and they took us to their classroom. They did a song be dance for us then they did a drawing which was cute

Lunch – was at the textile factory and we had a biscuit thing, soup with potato, and a potato and rice dish for our main entree. It was really nice!!

Tour (Part 2) – at the textile factory they showed us how to dye the material, how to weave it, and we had the opportunity to purchase if we wanted to. I found something for Lexie and I hope it fits

After the textile factory we walked around the town of Chinchero which means the sound of silence like the song. I must have been tired because I conked out on the bus ride home

Dinner – this was a free night but I wanted to take Marco out for dinner. It ended up that everyone wanted to come which was awesome but I felt bad because I had to have Marco call and make the reservation…

We went to this pizza place that was pretty good. I don’t recall the name but I ordered a pizza with bell peppers, chorizo, and onions. I was hungry and ate it before I took a picture