Nicaragua Trip

2014.07.12 – 2014.07.19 – I know…it takes me forever to post my pictures. You have no idea how many times I debated just trashing everything I had and just starting over 🙂 I guess that’s what they call an artists process. So I was fortunate to...

Chadwick Football Field

2014.03.31 – I just started working at Chadwick School in Palos Verdes and man this campus is amazing! What an experience just to walk around and what a great opportunity these kids have. When I saw this football field I had to shoot it. This is my first...

Golden Cove – Attempt 2

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 – Hey guys how are you doing?  I hope that you are all well.  The picture I am posting was taken on March 25th and I struggled on whether or not to post it.  Mainly because of its composition, but also I feel I can do it better.  Take a...

Metro to ?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 – God I almost forgot I had these pictures.  So I had planned on going to shoot with my friend Jeremy and he says to me why don’t we catch the Metro and shoot along the way?  To which I responded I’m not so sure about...

Big Bear ’13

Thursday, February 7, 2013 – A bunch of us went to Big Bear to hangout and snowboard (well almost all of us went snowboarding…) and we had a great time!  Here are a couple of pictures I took while there.