Big Bear ’13

Thursday, February 7, 2013 – A bunch of us went to Big Bear to hangout and snowboard (well almost all of us went snowboarding…) and we had a great time!  Here are a couple of pictures I took while there.

Inspired Fitness Boot Camp

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 – It’s been a little quiet in terms of posts but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been shooting.  Recently I found out that my friend Devon Redmon had acquired his own boot camp and is calling it Inspired Fitness Boot...

El Porto Water Shot

Thursday, January 26, 2012 – Today I got in the water with my housing.  I can say that it was good just to get in the water.  I’ve been nursing an injured shoulder for the past week and a half so just getting wet was awesome.  For this session I shot with...