Saturday, March 9, 2013 – So I just moved my hosting and domain name registrar to Bluehost.  ATM I can’t say that I am completely satisfied although the phone calls I made were pleasant and the staff is very helpful.  Once again I’ve been searching the internet looking for ways to speed up my site and what I’ve come up with is caching plugins, minifying css/js/html, gzip compression, using a CDN, and some theme modifications.  I have tried all of them and my site still loads somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-20 seconds which is unacceptable.  It seems that I had these same issues when I was with GoDaddy but for some reason things started getting better where I didn’t have to use a CDN or some of the plugins which I mentioned above.  Weird.

So the conclusion I have come to is that while shared hosting comes at a great price it also comes with its challenges.  I have read about VPS’s or Virtual Private Servers which require more technical know how then I have and then there is Managed WordPress which sounds interesting but…I haven’t researched it enough so back to the drawing board for me 🙂  Hope you guys have a great day!!