SA – Day 2
This marks day two in South Africa. I got in around 12pm yesterday but I just wanted to chill and acclimate to the time change. I so badly wanted to surf supertubes but there was a contest going on. This morning Etiene took me to Kitchen Windows. When we first got...
Big Sur
2014.10.16 - 2014.10.18 - This weekend we went to Big Sur. Our group met at about 5:30am and I was hoping to leave shortly afterwards but we didn't get on the road till about 6:30 or so. The person who held us up will remain nameless... In any event we had a nice...
Baja Trip 3
2014.08.29 - 2014.09.01 - Recently the South Bay Surf Club and Santa Monica Surfers met up and went to Shipwrecks in Baja. It was a really great time with old and new friends!! Miriam did a great job of putting everything together so we didn't have to worry about...