Chicama – Days 1 & 2

Flights LAX -> LIM was a decent flight. I should have left myself a little more time because after going through security I had to run to the gate 🙂 LIM -> TRU was were I met Pat. I was looking around for him but didn't see him. I decided to check in and while...

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Cusco – Day 23

Breakfast - I started with coffee and fruits with yogurt. Not sure if I had much more after that but knowing me I'm sure I did 🙂 Discovery - we began by going to the Cemetary of Cusco which was called the Almudena. It was interesting to see how the crypts were...

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New Website Theme and Layout

Hey Guys!! I am really excited to say that I am done with my re-design. Take a look and let me know what you think 🙂 I did extensive work on my blog posts creating new categories and tags. I also noticed in my media library that thumbnails were not showing for images...

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