South Africa – Days 1-3

The first couple of days were spent traveling. We left the gate around 8:40pm Pacific Standard Time and landed in Cape Town, South Africa at 12:45 local time. We flew for around 23-25 hours. Something like that. Suffice it to say I was glad that I didn't have to sit...

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Kodi / OSMC – Part 1

They say that necessity is the mother of invention. Well I'll tell you when you go to places that don't have good wifi coverage what do you do? Well I began my journey with a RetroPie and that allowed my friend and I to play games after we surfed and any downtime we...

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SSL Cert for my Website

Hey Guys!! I've been working on some projects recently and this is one of them. I don't sell my pictures but I thought it might be a good idea to secure connections between my website and your browser and learn something in the process. So in doing some research these...

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